“An occasional compliment is necessary to keep up one’s self-respect.” Mark Twain

Do you have trouble accepting compliments? Well, I do. When I walked into the gym a couple of weeks ago, one of the receptionists complimented me on how nice I looked. I immediately gave her an entire paragraph on how it was impossible that I could be looking good. When I got upstairs to my exercise class, I thought why I couldn’t just say thank you. Why did I have to try to convince the woman that she was not seeing correctly. After my class, I went back to the receptionist and apologized for not saying thank you when she gave the compliment. She responded that she totally understood because she had trouble accepting compliments also. I am amazed because I can give compliments all day every day, but why do I find it so difficult to accept one without deflecting.

Of course, I became curious—what causes this behavior? Jason Wilkinson, in an article titled, “Hard to Accept a Compliment? Here Are Some Reasons Why,“ provides the following reasons why it may be hard to accept a compliment:

  • Anxiety. It can feel intimidating to stand out. An individual will often want to escape the feelings of anxiety by quickly wanting to move on from receiving a compliment at work, school, or amongst friends.
  • It feels vulnerable. To accept a compliment can mean giving space for another’s words or thoughts to impact you leaving a person feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable.
  • Negative thoughts about self. Self-esteem can be the reason why people find it difficult to accept compliments from others. Negative thoughts can lead to comparison. If a person feels they don’t measure up to others, it can sometimes be easier to deflect compliments such as, “This dress is so old; I like yours better.”
  • Fear of looking prideful. Many individuals with a faith background don’t like to appear prideful; therefore, they may feel bad when reacting to a compliment.

I believe an individual who was criticized more than complimented in their childhood also finds it difficult to accept compliments. I have to do some soul searching to see where my issue derives from, but for now I just have to practice saying thank you.

Do you have a problem accepting compliments? I would love to hear from you.

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3 thoughts on “Just Say Thank You”

  1. Yes I do and my issue is why are you complimenting me ~ what do you want from me? This was another good read forever friend

  2. I am the same way, instead of saying thank you I’ll say something like this old thing, I’ve had it about 10 years. I think my issue is I never got compliments when I was younger.
    Just critiques. Great read.

  3. Great blog!! There are so many of us feel that way about compliments! Thanks you for giving us some tools to just say thank you to that wonderful person that noticed US!!

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