“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NKJV)

Lately, I have been afforded some opportunities that would challenge me to get out of my comfort zone. We often use the words comfort zone, but what does it really mean. Collins English Dictionary defines comfort zone as a situation or position in which a person feels secure, comfortable, or in control. There is usually little to no risk or stress in the comfort zone. When I do something different, my anxiety level rises to new heights.

My friends can attest to the fact that I am a creature of habit. I love going to different restaurants; however, I tend to order the same entrée. I shop at the same grocery stores because I know the exact isle of the items that I am looking for. At church, I generally sit in the same area. I am usually very organized because I don’t like searching for things. I usually don’t venture off my familiar path; however, lately, I have been challenging myself to try something I have never done before.

In an article, published by the Huffington Post, titled “6 Reasons to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone,” Carolyn Gregoire states, “a little bit of healthy stress can actually act as a catalyst for growth and provide a powerful motivation to act.”  Gregoire offers the following reasons why we struggle to step outside of our comfort zone and how we can benefit when we choose to do so:

  1. We are wired to seek out comfort, which is why it is hard to let it go. There is nothing wrong with being in your comfort zone, unless you get too comfortable and start holding yourself back instead of challenging yourself to learn, grow, and try new things.
  2. Trying new things can make you more creative. Creativity is innately risky. When we share creative work, we open ourselves up to vulnerability and possible rejection. At the same time, risking failure increases the possibility of great creative achievement.
  3. Challenging yourself can help you perform at your peak. Reaching new heights involves the risk of attempting something we might not succeed at. Psychologists have found that a little anxiety can help us perform at our peak–in other words, when we challenge ourselves, we tend to rise to the occasion.
  4. Taking risks is what helps us grow. In becoming a person who regularly takes calculated risks, challenges oneself, and tries new things, you will cultivate openness to experience which is characterized by qualities like intellectual curiosity, imagination, emotional and fantasy interests, and a drive to explore one’s inner and outer lives.
  5. Embracing new challenges can help you age better. A 2013 study found that learning new and demanding life skills, while also maintaining a strong social network, can help us stay mentally sharp as we get older.
  6. Don’t push yourself too far. Too much stress and anxiety can be paralyzing. Stress reduces productivity and stifles creativity.

I challenge you, along with myself, to step out of your comfort zone; do something different. Stepping out of your comfort zone may be visiting a new grocery store or restaurant, taking a new exercise class, writing a book, painting a picture, or it could mean removing yourself from a dysfunctional toxic relationship. When stepping out of your comfort zone, the intention is not for you to take unhealthy risks or compromise your integrity or core values. Be the person you are but allow yourself to expand and grow.

If you are interested in a free 30-min coaching session, book an appointment at calendly.com/new-wine-consulting.

4 thoughts on “Do Something Different”

  1. I have already started, when the life you’ve had that was comfortable and you had become settled in it turns upside down, you are thrown into a whole lot of new and different things. This was a really good read. Thanks 😊

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