“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 NIV 

Happy New Year Readers! I trust you have set your goals for this year and on your way to accomplishing them. My new chapter of life has afforded me the opportunity to volunteer and serve my community even more. This is partly the reason for this late blog post. I now wake up every morning excited because I have time to do the things I love and am most passionate about. Two days per week (4 hours per day), I volunteer at the local food bank with a wonderful, friendly, and funny group of volunteers. We are there because we want to be and not because we have to be. I realize I am truly operating in my purpose because I jump out of bed to volunteer like I am being compensated. No, there is no tangible compensation; however, the intangible rewards are priceless: joy, peace, self-fulfillment and a sense of purpose.

For 2023, my pastor adopted the theme, “Determined to Serve” for our church and this is where I borrowed the title for this blog. I would advise, when you are going through tough times and things are not going your way, SERVE. When money is looking funny, SERVE. When you are depressed and lonely, SERVE. I can’t explain it, but I am a living witness that serving can be a source of emotional healing.  

Students from the University of College London (UCL) provided “10 Benefits of Helping Others” in an April 28, 2020 article. The students state, “Volunteering your time, money, or energy to help others doesn’t just make the world better—it also makes you better. Studies indicate that the very act of giving back to the community boosts your happiness, health, and sense of well-being.” The students of UCL offer the following benefits:

  1. Helping others feel good. There is some evidence to suggest that when you help others, it can promote physiological changes in the brain linked with happiness.
  1. It creates a sense of belonging. Helping others can help us to make new friends and connect with our community.
  1. It gives a sense of purpose. Studies show that volunteering enhances an individual’s overall sense of purpose and identity.
  1. Giving helps keep things in perspective. Helping others, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can help to put things into perspective and make you feel more positive about your own circumstances.
  1. It’s contagious. A study found that people are more likely to perform acts of kindness and generosity after observing others doing the same.
  1. Helping others can help you live longer. Regular volunteering can improve your ability to manage stress and stave off disease as well as increasing your sense of life satisfaction.
  2. It gives you a sense of renewal. Helping others can teach you to help yourself. If you’ve been through a tough experience or just have a case of the blues, volunteering is a great way to get back to feeling like yourself.
  1. You’ll boost your self-esteem. People who volunteer have been found to have higher self-esteem and overall well-being.
  1. You’ll create strong friendships. When you help others, you give off positive vibes, which can rub off on peers and improve your friendships.
  1. You become a glass half-full type person. Having a positive impact on someone else could help you change your own outlook and attitude.

With so much negativity in the world, let’s make volunteering one of your 2023 goals. It could be checking on a neighbor, providing a meal to an elderly person, or bringing their mail to them. An act of service does not have to be a grand gesture, but it could mean the world to someone. Let’s try to change the negativity of this world by one act of kindness at a time.

If you are interested in a free 30-min coaching session, book an appointment at calendly.com/new-wine-consulting.

5 thoughts on “Determined to Serve”

  1. Acts of kindness really do go a long way. As someone who has volunteered at a food bank it is a very soul-rewarding experience, and a great time to connect with others. Happy that you’re spreading this message to volunteer & that you’ve found a new purpose!

  2. Francine Raines

    Cassandra when God lead you to do what he has called you to do, it became a part of everyone’s life in a most positive way. As God has ordained in your life the precious paths to take, you are the sole example what your blog is all about and yes you do practice what you preach. Your kindness most gracious attitude for life has help get you to your destination. Your teachings from your heart has enlightened so so many people. I must say it has truly touched my life from day one when I met you. Continue on your journey my friend, for God will continue to do great things in your life. Yes you are renewing many lives, for God said in his word, He is love and so are you. God bless you Cassandra and your divine ministry of wisdom and understanding.

  3. Hi Cassandra, I’m so glad you brought up this topic because I’m looking for ways to serve my community, this is just confirmation for me to do it. Thank you for the encouragement and I’m so happy you found your purpose in life. God bless you

  4. I agree 100%. Helping others by volunteering makes me feel good. I am looking forward to finding more opportunities this year.

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